Sunday, November 19, 2006

Assessment in Emerging Educational Environments

I checked through the wiki titles and no one has investigated this before (surprisingly) so have started to set the page up. Will need to give the content headings a bit of thought though - am not sure how best to structure it. Maybe taking each type of learning environment in turn - or perhaps turning it around and thinking about which types of assessment are / aren't suitable or appropriate any more? Hmmm - will think about this.

Also, maybe I should have called it 'Assessment in Emerging Learning Environments'? No problem, that can be changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was interesting to read this blog. I am new to blogging, and your blog really expressed the benefits of 'talking'/'writing' out your thinking processes. I think this idea sounds great. I think it would be an easier read if you have the different learning environments as the content headings. The latter idea had me a little confused. The second title sounds a little more appropriate! Good luck!